Day 5 - Tintern to Wentnor (132km, 1,610m)

Wednesday, July 14th


The drizzle continued on and off, and elevenses was taken in a small supermarket in a small town in the back blocks of rural England (or is it Wales?). The three "amigos" are still together, and the rest of the "superior" group are not to be seen.

This is Tudor architecture, and faux Tudor architecture country - I can't tell the difference.

It's also thatched roof country, and I love it.

You even get both Tudor and thatch in the same property - now this is a gem.

What the locals can do with thatch, they can also do with hedge - is there a house under there?

The daily ritual seems to be drizzling riding conditions followed by a sunny evening. This is the view from our B&B in the tiny village of Wentnor. Just as we arrive, probably about 5:00pm, the sun comes out.

A walk around the village to stretch the legs is mandatory, as is a look on the headstones for someone who might be an ancestor.

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